Distance Learning in High School
Many participating area high schools offer dual-credit courses from WTC through distance learning. Internet-based and video-based courses are also available depending on the course and school.
High school students qualifying for college admission may also be able to enroll directly at WTC. For more information on dual enrollment and early admissions, click here or email dualcredit@wtc.edu.
How do I access my course?
Online courses are accessed online via https://learn.wtc.edu (Brightspace). Each instructor places course materials, course calendar, course policies, and course activities on Brightspace. Each student has access to coursework, including grades. Access can occur from any Internet-connected computer worldwide.
How do I log in to the support sites?
Login information: Please visit https://www.wtc.edu/wtconline-platform.html for instructions on logging into Brightspace.
Where do I get books?
Books are available through the Campus Bookstore.
How do I file a grievance?
The Student Grievance Procedure is available online, and students may use this Grievance Form.
According to the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), an undergraduate student, unless otherwise exempt, who enters a public institution of higher education in Texas will be tested for reading, writing, and mathematics skills prior to enrolling in any college-level academic coursework.
Below are the most current TSI exemptions based on standardized testing which are subject to change:
For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:
(A) ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on the English test shall be exempt for both the reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment, and/or 19 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment.
ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) tests shall be exempt for both reading and writing or ELAR sections of the TSI Assessment. A score of 22 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no composite score.
The use of scores from both the ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023, and the ACT administered after February 15, 2023, is allowable, as long as the benchmarks set forth in clause (ii) of this subparagraph are met.
(B) SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: a minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) test shall be exempt for both reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment. A minimum score of 530 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no minimum combined EBRW and mathematics score.
Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016, and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016, is not allowable.
(C) STAAR End of Course Test. A student who achieves a minimum score of 4000 on STAAR English III EOC shall be exempt for both reading and writing. A student who achieves a minimum score of 4000 on STAAR Algebra II EOC shall be exempt from mathematics.
(D) TSIA 2.0 Assessment (January 11, 2021, or later): The minimum test score needed: Math-950 or <950 AND diagnostic 6, ELAR - 945+ AND 5+ Essay or <945 AND 5+ diagnostic AND 5+ essay. The exemption will be given for those corresponding sections only (full or partial exemption).
Western Texas College is in compliance with State Authorization Regulation
Molli Fleming |
Nellie Leatherwood |